diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014


Hello pupils, congratulations for your work.
Now, you must write the beginning of a invented TALE.
Only the beginning.
You have to create a new document at google DOCs and save in a folder named with the letter of your tale.
Here you can see a table.
You can do it from the first of desember to the 19th.
Good luck!!

dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014

dijous, 6 de novembre del 2014


Hello pupils, thank you for your presentations, they are nice, funny amb awesome. Congratulations. I want to welcome Aiguadora de Naves, La Coma, Freixinet, Llobera, Folch i Torres, Avinyonet, Pont de l’Arcada, Borreda, Vilada and Josep mañe school.
We love your english and I think that you need more work. Are you ready? Then, we are going to start with the second task. You need a lot of english books about tales. The idea is to look, read, comment and choose one of them. Choose a tale that you like and make your comments. With this tale you must post a photo or picture un PINTEREST and make a comment. You can summarize, give your opinion or explain something interesting about it.